How To Pitch By Bob Feller

January 13th, 2012, 9:34H · Topics: Around Town, Guys, Sports · Print

Bob Feller, pitcher with Cleveland Indians pitching his book “How To Pitch” from the field of the old Wolfson Park baseball field.  The first addition of his this book came out in 1948.  Wolfson Park was built in 1955 and served as the city of Jacksonville’s minor league field until it was demolished in 2002, being replaced by The Baseball Grounds of Jacksonville. Feller passed away in December of 2010. You can see an earlier post of Feller here.

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  1. 1 Dick Kravitz January 13th, 2012 11:26H

    As General Manager of the Suns from 1963-65, I brought Bob Feller to Jacksonville every year to participate in a media home run hitting contest. Feller was so competitive( even though he was in his 70’s),
    that he actually tried to strike out the opposing media batters. Everyone enjoyed Bob Feller Night including Bob. He did anything to promote the sport of baseball. A real icon!

  2. 2 Bob / Vintage Jacksonville January 13th, 2012 14:59H

    Thank you for the additional insight! I love having the rest of the story from those who were there.

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I first met Loyd Sandgren in 1997 as I was putting photo gear back into my car after... Learn More