Governor Fuller Warren at the Lobster House Restaurant

March 20th, 2013, 12:00H · Topics: Famous And Not So... · Print


“Governor Fuller Warren at the Lobster House with the owners of the restaurant, Mr and Mrs Glickstein, talking about how there was not going to be a sales tax in Florida.  Shortly after that he went to California to get married and the sales tax was passed without him.”  LS

Fuller Warren served as the Governor of Florida from 1949 to 1953.  During the first year of his term as governor the state of Florida adopted it’s first state sales tax with a rate of 3%.

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  1. 1 Cheri Glickstein Rhodes April 12th, 2013 23:23H

    I was shocked to see this picture. It is My Nana & Grandaddy. Sylvia & Ducky Glickstein. Would love to have a copy of this.

  2. 2 bob April 14th, 2013 12:44H

    Glad you found the post. I love it when the people and events in Loyd Sandgren’s photos make a connection with family and friends. Contact me at and we will get you taken care of.

  3. 3 Wayne Arnold June 8th, 2014 2:45H

    I met Governor Warren in Tallahassee in 1950 while he was Governor. I was only 10 years old. I invited him to come to Hialeah Senior High school in Hialeah, Florida in 1957. He came and spoke very eloquently about his term as Governor of Florida. He was a thoughtful person and a Governor all Florida could be proud.

  4. 4 Wayne Arnold August 23rd, 2014 15:09H

    When Fuller Warren took the governorship in January of 1949 in the State of Florida he found a state treasury nearly broke. Prior to that Florida enjoyed all the free benefits of the Federal Government because we were in the 2nd World War. The WW2 was what financed the Florida government because we not only did not have a sale’s tax thousands of Floridians did not pay their assessed property taxes. Revenues were not coming in and the Governor as promised in his campaign of 1948 platform that he wanted to build new roads much needed in the Sunshine State. Schools were hurting for textbooks and more classrooms needed. Warren had promised during the governor’s election campaign that he would Veto any legislation passed in the Florida House or Senate. He truthfully made the choice to put the State of Florida ahead of his own political well being. His political career was finished. He tried in 1956 to make a come back as Governor but was soundly defeated by incumbent Leroy Collins. The late Governor Fuller Warren was truly a profile in courage.

  5. 5 Alvis Jenkins November 9th, 2020 23:26H

    Fuller Warren approved the Florida sales tax of 1949 on people who could not owe the sales tax under legislative intent. To take money as a tax from persons who do not exercise a taxable privilege is theft. And, Fuller Warren approved of this corruption which continues to this day in the year 2020.

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I first met Loyd Sandgren in 1997 as I was putting photo gear back into my car after... Learn More