Leo Fitzpatrick Florist on Laura Street

May 16th, 2017, 8:00H · Topics: Around Town, Business · Print


“The Leo Fitzpatrick Building on 515 Laura Street.  This is where the Ivey’s building is today.  Fitzpatrick Florist’s became famous here.”  LS

Leo Fitzpatrick Florist was one of the big players in Jacksonville’s flower business until the mid 1950’s when the business was bought in 1956 by competitor Robert Kuhn who founded Kuhn Flowers in 1947. I could not find the date when the building was demolished but after a search of the city directories, Fitzpatrick Florist was listed at this address until 1957. From 1958 to 1961 the property address was listed as vacant and starting 1962, 501 to 523 Laura Street was listed as under construction. Starting 1963 the address was listed as the side of Ivey’s.


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  1. 1 Libby Price February 2nd, 2019 15:05H

    Leo Fitzpatrick was a good friend of my Dad’s. He made two large beautiful arrangements for my Dad to be put on my Brother William’s grave when he was killed during WWII. It was a Wing and ever so beautiful. I have a picture of his gravesite with the Wing floral arrangement that Leo put out there. My Brother was at Lt. jg Bombadier. Mr, Krause of Estes Krause funeral home was also my Dad’s good friend and he did everything concerning the funeral at cost only as well when my Dad was dying in 1964, he sent his Ambulance to our home and took my Dad to the Doctor’s office and brought him back since he could not get into a car, and did this until he died. He never charged us. When he died Mr, Krause came to our home that night to make the arrangements so we would not have to go in to town to do so, These two men were among the best in Jacksonville. He also did everything at cost only. I don’t know if you have a picture of Estes Krause Funeral Home that was downtown. I think the building might still be there.

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About Photographer Loyd Sandgren

I first met Loyd Sandgren in 1997 as I was putting photo gear back into my car after... Learn More