Atlantic Bank Building

May 24th, 2011, 13:59H · Topics: Around Town, Business · Print

“This was the brand new Atlantic Bank Building, on the corner of Forsyth and Hogan Streets.  The old Atlantic Building in the background.  On the left is the store Furchgott’s.  About 1956.” LS

This view of the building’s facade is now obscured by the elevated skyway tracks that travel along Hogan Street.

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  1. 1 Wade May 24th, 2011 16:47H

    I believe that this building has since been renamed the Ed Ball Building which now houses the Building Department and other CoJ offices.

    • 2 Bob / Vintage Jacksonville May 24th, 2011 19:27H

      The Ed Ball Building is a block North and across Hogan Street from this location.

      I spent time on it’s roof setting up remote cameras to photograph the implosion of the Robert Meyer Hotel.

  2. 3 Mike Austell May 17th, 2015 17:05H

    The taller building right behind the new one is the old Atlantic Bank Building. Merrill Lynch had offices on a couple of floors. I was a broker there in the mid 80s. The entrance was through the old building and that opened into office space in the new.
    There was a tunnel leading from the old building all the way under the street to the parking garage across the street. It had a little sandwich shop in it. I would like to know more about the history of that tunnel and any others downtown.

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About Photographer Loyd Sandgren

I first met Loyd Sandgren in 1997 as I was putting photo gear back into my car after... Learn More