“This picture was taken from the Mayflower Hotel looking East to Northeast. Almost all the buildings you see in this picture have been torn down. The first street you can see in the foreground is Hogan. About 1955.” LS
Actually quite a few of the buildings in the upper left half of the photograph are still standing in one form or another but the majority of the buildings in the lower right half of the image age long gone. Of particular note is the Hotel Seminole with its roof top sign advertising ‘100% Air Conditioned’.
Tags: Barnett National Bank, Buildings, downtown, historic photography, hogan street, Mayflower Hotel, seminole hotel, skyline, vintage photograph
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First time I’ve seen these. Brings back so many memories. My first true love was a Landon Lionette in the late forties. Thanks much to whoever is responsible for keeping and showing these treasures.
Mr. Widner, your response is one of the main reasons I enjoy working with this collection and sharing it with visitors to Vintage Jacksonville. I love introducing a younger audience to the city’s history and bringing back memories for those of you who grew up in the era documented in these photographs. Glad to have you out there. Sincerely, Bob Self/Vintage Jacksonville
Thank You,I have been looking for info. on the Mayflower Hotel for some time .