“This was an accident on the corner of Main and Beaver Streets. The Kaiser car hit a man (who was a boxer) and this knocked him out. I was near the accident and took this picture. 1953.” LS
Like so many of Loyd Sandgren’s photographs, as I scan them for one reason I often discover little surprises within the image that are easy to overlook at first glance. In this case, it was the truck in the background of the photograph that advertised for Radio Station WJHP and the Jacksonville Journal with the slogan, “Today’s news Today”. For those of you too young to remember, there were two papers in Jacksonville for many decades, The Florida Times-Union and the Jacksonville Journal. The Times-Union was the morning paper but the Jacksonville Journal was the afternoon paper. They were fiercely competitive up through the early 80’s when their resources and staff were combined. I worked for both papers during my early newspaper days working in Jacksonville. A big deal was made of the Journal’s 100th. Birthday in 1987. A year later on October 28, 1988 the last copy of the Journal was printed and the paper was retired.
Tags: 002148, Accident, Beaver Street, blanket, car, downtown, historic photograph, injury, Jacksonville Journal, Kaiser, Main Street, newspaper, transportation, truck, vintage photography