Baptist Hospital, 1950’s

December 17th, 2010, 10:00H · Topics: Around Town, Business · Print

The shiny new Baptist Hospital building shortly after opening in the early 1950’s.  Only a portion of this original structure still remains as the complex grows, and that wing is scheduled to be torn down in the not too distant future.

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  1. 1 Don Webb January 22nd, 2015 20:01H

    Why do we have this notion we have to tear down part or all of an existing structure to make for progress. I realize more work means more jobs, but more jobs – especially in public projects usually means more taxes.

    I’m not against progress – including razing old structures when necessary – but did you know that Trauma One at Parkland Hospital in Dallas – in which John F. Kennedy died – was razed to make for expansion. The only thing left of that historical spot for future generations is a plaque on the wall stating that at this point once existing Trauma Room One in which John F. Kennedy died. A plague on the wall seems small to recognize the death of one of our most important presidents.

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About Photographer Loyd Sandgren

I first met Loyd Sandgren in 1997 as I was putting photo gear back into my car after... Learn More