Jacksonville’s Pat Boone

June 10th, 2011, 12:45H · Topics: Famous And Not So..., Guys · Print

Born in Jacksonville June 1, 1934 Charles Eugene Boone, better known as Pat Boone became one of the most popular singing acts of the 1950’s. His early career was built on singing R&B covers by black artists but he later became known as a gospel singer.  (Trivia:  He was also a one time neighbor of Ozzie Osborne in Los Angeles)   Here he is photographed during a visit with his grandmother at a Jacksonville nursing home. (late 50’s early 60’s).

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  1. 1 Lisa Puckhaber Michael May 24th, 2013 10:04H

    Pat Boone is my cousin and his grandmother was my grandmother’s sister, Leila. This must have been taken in the mid 60’s. I remember I was about 5 or 6 when he came to town and I met him at his grandmothers (Aunt Leila’s) house in Riverside. I have some other photos about the same time when he was promoting a movie at the Florida Theatre with my father who was the Advertising and Public Relations manager.

    • 2 JAMES OLIVER December 25th, 2015 18:38H

      hello, I live in Jacksonville florida and I have been a fan of Pat and I just turn seventy . Pat will be in Jacksonville in 2016 and maybe I could see him. Do you have any pictures of Pat in Jacksonvillle years ago and I have one in 1956 at the Florida Theater with some fans and I have most of his albums and his cds. Some of his movies I cant buy because they haven’t been released such as the Horror of it all and I would like his Pat Boone Chevy Show complete shows but you cant buy them as yet.

  2. 3 Bobby Briggs December 29th, 2020 22:26H

    Between 1955 and 1972 Pat Boone had 58 songs in the Billboard Top 100 Charts. He was #3 behind Elvis and the Beatles, ahead of Ricky Nelson and Fats Domino. In the ’50s there was a local radio station, possibly WMBR, that had a popularity voting poll every Saturday, I think, usually between Elvis and Pat Boone. Those were the days.

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