Anyone out there remember what they had to drive in their drivers ed class? I have dim memories of a 70’s vintage Vega with no AC and a standard transmission. Students at Paxon H.S. in the early 1960’s apparently had access to a couple of new VW Beetles compliments of Jacksonville’s Brundage Motors. Don’t know if the guys in the suits are from the dealership or the instructors but either way they don’t look like they should be driving a VW.
Tags: brundage, cars, Drivers Education, Paxon High School, volkswagen, VW
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those have GOT to be instructors. the car we drove were discarded police cars. automatics and huge. good way to get your license without having to go through the DMV though!
In 1965 we drove Plymouth Satellites (auto) and Simca’s (stick)
Would love to own a vintage Volkswagen. And how could anyone prove they could drive safely in a small car, when they get those driver license they usually operate a larger automobile as well as deal with larger automobiles on the streets. Who idea was this?