The New City Hall Revisited

October 18th, 2011, 12:00H · Topics: Around Town · Print

Here is an additional view of the riverfront City Hall building shortly before it was opened in 1960.  It gives you a peak around the right side of the building before the riverfront bulkhead was built and the area filled in.  It also gives you a look at the facade of the building with the relief rendering of the state of Florida and three sailing ships which are now obscured by the trees planted in front of the building.  You can see a previous post with a different view of the building here.

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  1. 1 Don Webb January 22nd, 2015 17:37H

    The best thing the City of Jacksonville and Duval County every did was when they consolidated into a unified government in 1957.

    Today, we still have too many cities that make up 3/4 of a county’s population, and they are only duplicating taxpayers waste by insisting that the county remain autonomous with it little small municipalities remaining autonomous also – all for ego purposes only. How dare a “Conservative” call himself or herself a “conservative” when they allow such duplication of services to continue. A real conservative would call for consolation of such counties and cities.

    Jacksonville has proven that consolidation can work!

  2. 2 Daphne Pimenta August 7th, 2018 12:20H

    Jacksonville was consolidated in 1967.

  3. 3 bob August 7th, 2018 12:42H

    Just for a little clarification, on August 8, 1967 the voters of Duval County voted in consolidation and it went into effect October 1, 1968 which is treated as the anniversary date of consolidation by the city of Jacksonville. Bob Self/Vintage Jacksonville

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I first met Loyd Sandgren in 1997 as I was putting photo gear back into my car after... Learn More