The Sport Shop Inc.

November 11th, 2011, 12:30H · Topics: Business, Sports · Print

Wilson, MacGregor and Louisville Slugger on display in the baseball themed window display of The Sport Shop but not a Nike product to be found.  I don’t have any information about this particular photo and have not been able to track down anything on the business.  Anyone out there remember anything about The Sport Shop and where it was located?

Update:  After a search of a 1958 Jacksonville City Directory I found The Sport Shop Inc. listed at 44o West Forsyth Street which would be about where the Greyhound Bus Station is currently located.

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  1. 1 dave November 11th, 2011 12:57H

    As a kid we always went to Finkelstein’s ……for our sporting goods..

  2. 2 joan morris November 12th, 2011 7:59H

    Bob, if you want the location, call your local library and ask them to check a City Directory of the time. Joan

    • 3 Bob / Vintage Jacksonville November 13th, 2011 12:31H

      Thanks Joan, I’ll do that. Please feel free to Contribute/Comment/Critique any time! Bob

  3. 4 Harry C November 21st, 2011 13:39H

    I have a photo of my dad in front of the Sports Shop. The “owner” of the shop, “Mr. (Alton) Meeks”, is congratulating my dad for catching the Tarpon fish pictured hanging in front of the store.
    The building across the street with an AAA sign, perhaps a mechanics garage is visible in the photo. Also noted a reflection in the window saying “Hotel Greg…..”. Could be 1949-51ish but not sure.

    • 5 Bob / Vintage Jacksonville November 21st, 2011 20:08H

      If you would like to share it please send it to me in an e-mail and I would be happy to post it. Thanks, Bob Self/Vintage Jacksonville

    • 6 Edward Fernandez May 18th, 2023 23:41H

      Yes, The Sport Shop was owned by my Grandfather, Ellis T. Fernandez, Sr. and originally opened in 1947 at the corner of Clay and Forsyth Street.

  4. 7 Tom Lucas August 7th, 2012 22:27H

    Harry, I believe that Ellis Fernandez owned the Sport Shop and Alton Meeks ran the fishing department and Coy Welch ran the gun department. I fished with Alton on several occasions during the early 1950s. Those were the days.

  5. 8 Jack Gillrup August 14th, 2012 22:55H

    The Sport Shop was a wonderous place for a 10 – 12 year old boy to visit with his father. There were guns of every make and model (at least it seemed that way) as well as fishing tackle and camping gear for local or distant safaris. I have no proof, but I think they started the practice of displaying their customers’ trophies all over the shop. There were masterpiece examples of the art of taxidermy (especially handpainted fish) by the late Rollo Robinson, whom I had the honor of working for one summer as a 14 year old kid on his first job. He chewed cigars instead of plug tobacco and gave me my first “chew”. He never told my folks why I was sick for two days afterward.

  6. 9 John Peavy March 4th, 2013 5:13H

    The picture of the sporting store window is Harry Finkelstein at 633 West Bay Street.

  7. 10 Don Webb January 22nd, 2015 20:50H

    Will Jacksonville ever become strong enough for a major baseball franchise? If they do, I hope they are allowed to keep the name “Jacksonville Suns” as the team name.

  8. 11 Ellis "E.T." Fernandez, III May 6th, 2015 10:34H

    Mr. Lucas had it right (above). (Sorry for the delay in the response but I just saw this site.) The Sport Shop was owned by my Grandfather, Ellis T. Fernandez. He came to the U.S from Spain when he was 16 and actually swept floors for Mr. Finkelstein before opening his own place. It was 3 floors and as children, we marveled over all he sold … from live quail to scuba gear. Every expert in the major sportings lines use to come out and give demonstrations. (I can remember seeing an Indian head carved in a circle of wood by a sharpshooter … in broad daylight on a street in downtown if you can believe it.) I can show you a picture of the inside of the store with The Sport Shop on the sign and Granddaddy’s name underneath it. He passed in the mid-80s and his son, my Dad, passed just a few weeks ago. So, got melancholy and just googled the old store’s name. Hope it helps. E.T. Fernandez

    • 12 Nolan G. Gilmore August 13th, 2022 22:23H

      The Sports Shop and Harry Finkelstein are two different shops. Finelstein was on Bay Street and the SpooShop was on Forsyth.

      • 13 Edward Fernandez May 18th, 2023 23:53H

        As my brother said, our Grandfather worked for
        Mr. Finkelstein and the display windows were granddad’s forte’
        I have a few photos that I would be happy to share. Granddad also was a founding member of the Jacksonville Skeet club at the old
        Imeson airport which later moved to Alton Road he also helped open San Jose Country Club and The Florida Tackle
        and Gun Club… he was a well respected gentleman and Sportsman.
        I loved hunting and fishing with him, he knew how to make the fish bite and the quail and dove fly.
        He was my hero and the best role model one could ever ask

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I first met Loyd Sandgren in 1997 as I was putting photo gear back into my car after... Learn More