Mosaic Wall with Bikini Model, 1960’s

August 21st, 2018, 8:00H · Topics: Around Town, Business, Girls · Print

“This shows some detail work on the Reynolds, Smith & Hill building in Koger Park, about 1964.” LS

This is one of a small number of color prints in the Loyd Sandgren collection. The note gave me a little information about the subject matter but I’ve run into a lot of dead ends trying to establish the exact location, if the mosaic still exists or who the young lady in the photograph is. I did confirm that Reynolds, Smith & Hill was located in the old Koger Center but the new management group was unable to pin down which buildings it might have been. Some of my more learned contacts on Jacksonville architecture were also stumped but gave it a good try. Now i’m reaching out to the Vintage Jacksonville audience to see if some of you can shed a little more light on the details of this photograph.



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  1. 1 Stephanie Simonds November 15th, 2018 16:11H

    Could this be the old Hayden Burns Library? It had mosaic walls in similar colors and maybe even the planter and water feature pictured.

    • 2 bob November 15th, 2018 21:28H

      That was suggested by others but i’ve been unable to match up the details in the image with anything at the old library building.

  2. 3 Kristin Manos August 25th, 2021 22:08H

    Have you contacted Reynolds, Smith and Hills? My husband works for them and they may have a historian of records. They are still in the Jacksonville area.

    • 4 bob August 28th, 2021 11:39H

      I reached out to them quite a few years ago as I was making the original post and ran into a dead-end but I would love to figure out the location or any information about the model.

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About Photographer Loyd Sandgren

I first met Loyd Sandgren in 1997 as I was putting photo gear back into my car after... Learn More