“Mrs. Lou Bono putting on the green. Lou is on the far right. He is the one that started Lou Bono’s Bar-B-Q. The other man was the pro around town and of course with his wife.” LS
Tags: Bono's Bar-B-Q, golf, Lou Bono, men, women
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Bono’s on Beach Blvd. was the center of our high school universe in the 60’s, but I don’t think I ever saw Lou Bono in person. Nice picture!
My then husband, Leroy Cumbie, used to go to Bono’s quite a lot in the ’60’s. Best bbq I have ever eaten.
Did you know that the beach blvd Bonos was not the first location?
Ken, There was some discussion about this after this previous Vintage Jacksonville post.
I don’t think Loyd Sandgren implied that this was the original Bono’s in the note he left behind with this print. He simply talked about the purchase of this particular property by Lou Bono. I really don’t know the earlier history but I’d like to find out. Bob Self/Vintage Jacksonville