She May Already Be A Winner

July 19th, 2011, 12:45H · Topics: Girls, Guys · Print

It seems like in the 1950’s and early 1960’s there was a beauty pageant for everything.   There was no information with this particular photo but I was able to glean a little from some other photos that look like they came from the same shoot.  This appears to be from a pageant sponsored by the Florida Photographers Association in 1958.  The winner was named Miss Florida Photography.  The person at far left is beaches photographer Virgil Deane.  I’d appreciate any help identify the other people in the photograph.

I’ve looked at this image quite a few times but just realized that her hat was decorated with photo flashbulbs. I trust the competition was held on a nice humid day as static electricity could have caused things to get really ugly with the flashbulbs.

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  1. 1 Candy Deane May 12th, 2020 18:24H

    Virgil Deane is my father I wondered what happened to his pictures

  2. 2 bob May 12th, 2020 21:48H

    Candy, Much of your father’s photography ended up in the collection of the Beaches Historical Society. There are a lot of his prints in circulation and I have a number of them that someone found in a box put out for the trash and they contacted me seeking to find a home for them. I have them but will probably pass them on to the downtown Jacksonville main library where the Loyd Sandgren collection of photographs is housed. Bob Self/Vintage Jacksonville

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About Photographer Loyd Sandgren

I first met Loyd Sandgren in 1997 as I was putting photo gear back into my car after... Learn More