Stripper Promo Photo, 1950’s

September 23rd, 2011, 12:20H · Topics: Girls · Print

“This is just one of the many strippers that I had the pleasure of taking pictures of.  This was taken in 1953 and she ordered many prints including 20 x 30’s and 30 x 40’s which I made in my darkroom.  It was taken in my studio on 22 E. Beaver St.  I must have taken at least 50 strippers because one liked my work and told all those on the circuit.  I liked it and it paid well.” LS

In addition to these notes left behind by Loyd Sandgren, in conversations I had with him he told me an additional perk to shooting strippers was (not what you are thinking!) that they paid cash.  This same image appears in the background of a self portrait Loyd shot in his studio.

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  1. 1 blake September 27th, 2011 8:05H

    guess his old studio (22 e. beaver st) isn’t there anymore? where did this guy live in springfield?

    i only ask because the more i look at this guy’s work, the more interesting he becomes. lived a pretty cool life it seems

  2. 2 Bob / Vintage Jacksonville September 27th, 2011 10:50H

    Loyd bounced around through a number of studio/living spaces over the years and the ones that I know of were all in the downtown area. His Springfield home was the apartment tower next to the senior center which is where he was living when I met him.

    He was a very positive guy who enjoyed what he did and loved to share his work with anyone who was interested. He had some rough patches in his life and I don’t think he was the best business man but he was a people person who enjoyed his photography career.

  3. 3 Calvin August 20th, 2012 13:11H

    This is not a stripper. It is the women’s world champion wrestler “The Fabulous Moolah”

    • 4 Bob / Vintage Jacksonville August 21st, 2012 9:05H

      I can see some similarities to Moolah in photos from her early days as a wrestler but I’m not convinced that it is the same person. At this point, I’ll stick with the note that Loyd left with the photo but welcome anyone with additional information that backs up your claim. Moolah looks like quite the character with an amazingly long career. Thanks for bringing her to my attention.

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About Photographer Loyd Sandgren

I first met Loyd Sandgren in 1997 as I was putting photo gear back into my car after... Learn More