Portrait of Mr. Stockton with A Portrait of Mr. Stockton

October 21st, 2011, 12:45H · Topics: Business, Famous And Not So..., Guys · Print

James R. Stockton Sr. in front of a portrait of his father Telfair Stockton, seated at his desk in the old Atlantic Bank Building in downtown Jacksonville in the early 1950’s.   Telfair Stockton founded Telfair Stockton and Co. in the late 1800’s and played a major role in establishing Jacksonville as a port city.  James Stockton acquired most of the property in Ponte Vedra from National Lead Company in the 1940’s and then merged his business with Whatley & Davin Co. to form Stockton, Whatley & Davin Co., which became one of the largest mortgage banking, real estate and insurance companies in the Southeast.

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  1. 1 Constance August 18th, 2012 7:33H

    OMG the man in the portrait almost looks like Winston Churchill!!

  2. 2 Don Webb January 22nd, 2015 17:31H

    People like Mr. Stockton were born at the right place and the right time in history – and I should add into the right family. Otherwise, he might have never made it to being more than a garbage collector for the City of Jacksonville. We all need to be thankful of which family we were born into, as usually we are a product of what our family was. Some may disagree, but can anyone guarantee me John F. Kennedy would have become President of the United States had Joseph P. Kennedy not been his biological father? Hardly!

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I first met Loyd Sandgren in 1997 as I was putting photo gear back into my car after... Learn More