The Lynch Building, 1950’s

December 27th, 2011, 12:45H · Topics: Around Town · Print

Located at the intersection of Main and East Forsyth Streets the 17 story Lynch Building was built to house office and retail space in 1926.  It was the second tallest building in Jacksonville when it was completed.  It has since been converted to apartments and renamed 11-East for it’s address at 11 East Forsyth Street.

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  1. 1 Daryl Bunn December 27th, 2011 14:21H

    The offices of William Cook Advertising on the 18th floor? Where they gave me a break to shoot something for $200.00? It all started then….thanks for the post…DB

  2. 2 Bob / Vintage Jacksonville December 27th, 2011 14:51H

    Now there is a piece of Jacksonville history!

  3. 3 Melanie Homer December 27th, 2011 23:48H

    I miss being able to check the weather by looking at the sign on the top of the building.

  4. 4 Robert Manley April 10th, 2013 1:58H

    Daryl is correct. That eventually became the American Heritage Life building and William Cook Advertising was on the 16th & 17th floors. That was my first job in advertising in 1983. Good memories.

  5. 5 Mike Austell May 16th, 2015 9:08H

    Great picture! I was a Navy photographer during the Vietnam shindig and trained early on using a “view camera” to adjust the perspective on photos such as this.

    Loyd came close to overdoing the perspective thing on this shot. Notice how top heavy the building looks.

    I have stayed in Jax all these years, and even though I’m not a native, it is really great to reminisce and realize the stark changes over nearly 50 years.

    Thank you, Bob, for this great work!

  6. 6 Mike February 26th, 2021 9:32H

    I worked at AHL in 1984-85…my desk was at corner window where the flag was displayed, second floor

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About Photographer Loyd Sandgren

I first met Loyd Sandgren in 1997 as I was putting photo gear back into my car after... Learn More