Eddy Arnold

January 23rd, 2012, 8:00H · Topics: Business, Famous And Not So..., Guys · Print

The window display at the Lane-Rexall for country music artist Eddy Arnold’s upcoming shows at Jacksonville’s Palace Theatre.  born in 1918 the Nashville sound singer had 147 songs on the Billboard country music charts and sold over 85 million records. He started his performing career in the 1930’s and gave his final concert in 1999, a day after his 81st. Birthday.  Arnold died in 2008 at the age of 89.

It looks like Arnold was going to make a personal appearance at the Lane-Rexall and one of the window signs advertises a “free photo with the first 1000 tickets sold here.”  Another sign in the center of this undated photograph spells his first name wrong.

There is a reflection in the window from the sign for The Darling Shop which was located on the ground floor of the Lynch Building at the intersection of Main and East Forsyth Streets.  Does anyone remember which street the Lane-Rexall was located on?

Update: We have placed the Lane-Rexall window on the West side of Forsyth St. near the intersection with Main Street.

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  1. 1 blake January 24th, 2012 9:56H

    the lane-rexall is/was at 8th & main

  2. 2 Bob / Vintage Jacksonville January 24th, 2012 21:09H

    There may have been one there but The Darling Shop sign is reflected in the window of this window display and that business was in the Lynch Building downtown.

  3. 3 blake January 25th, 2012 13:35H

    that would leave only two options. across forsyth, where the BEAUTIFUL parking garage now stands =-) OR across main where the purdue company (5 w forsyth st) is located.

    hope that is more helpful! =-)

  4. 4 blake January 25th, 2012 13:54H

    check this out. it was located where the parking gargae now stands


  5. 5 Bob / Vintage Jacksonville January 25th, 2012 16:03H

    Blake, Thanks for taking an interest in this. I found one of the photos in the Metrojacksonville post that showed The Darling Shop with a street sign post that put it on Forsyth Street at the intersection with Main Street.

  6. 6 Ed July 25th, 2012 15:48H

    Went there many times it was on the southeast corner of Forsyth and main.

  7. 7 JOHN DuBOSE August 8th, 2012 21:37H


  8. 8 Bobby Briggs June 9th, 2015 1:21H

    Vintage Jacksonville is a wonderful site. Thank you so much for what had to be the result of long hours and hard work. In 1952 we lived in a boarding house on Miami Road (now Prudential Drive) near Hendricks. As a 4th grader, I attended Hyde Park Elementary, on Park St. near Cassat, so I had to ride a city bus to downtown and then transfer to another city bus that went near my school. Reversed coming home. There was always enough time between busses for me to look around downtown. In the morning there was a Hobby Shop, I think on Monroe Street, and I was in heaven there. Coming home, I’d transfer near W. Forsyth and Hogan. I remember some great storefronts. I recall a luggage shop on Forsyth that had all kinds of neat gadgets in their window. I was fascinated. Back then Lake Shore Theater charged 9 cents to get in and the Arcade, downtown, charged 10 cents. Or maybe it was the other way around. Downtown Jacksonville was a movie lover’s Shangri La. Ten years later I was working at Florida Title on Forsyth. Two years after that it was the Florida Times-Union on Adams. Your site brings back some great memories.

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