“Here is the plant of the Royal Crown Cola Plant, on San Marco Blvd. near the RR Tracks. In the 50’s.” LS
Now all you need is a semi load of Moon Pies and you’ve got yourself a proper Southern party.
Tags: 001774, advertising, Bottling Plant, business, cola, delivery trucks, factory, historic photography, RC Cola, Royal Crown Cola, San Marco Blvd., soda, vintage photograph
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What is currently on this site now. I remember the RC Cola plant when I was a kid in the early 60s but not sure what exactly is there now. I remember where Clarks Supermarket and the Texas Drive in.
This Royal Crown Cola Plant was located on the property where the Jacksonville Orthopaedic Institute is now located.
I am the daughter of the man that kept this particular plant running. George W Crews was/is my father and he worked at this location for over 30 yrs. My father knew so much about the plant that when anything broke down they would call him in to repair it. It drove my mother crazy because he didn’t have to be on-site .. So he was home every single day unless, of course, they would call him in to repair or correct whatever issue had arisen. When my father died in 1982 I was 9 yrs old. I know that this plant shut down not long after his passing.. and it was more in between the orthopedic center and the Williams treatment center.. I spent a good bit of time there. Everyone looked up to him. It was cool . I remember when they tore it down.. that really cemented that my daddy was gone.. I am writing this in hopes that some of his family may one day read this and reach out to me.. I would LOVE to meet my father’s side of the family. SO if you are PLEASE reach out to me.. My Email is ladybrisen777@yahoo.com.. I also have a Facebook acct.. Just look up Martina Crews