30 May 2013
A nice view looking through the front doorway of the Rexall Drug Store located at the intersection of Forsyth and Main Streets in Downtown Jacksonville. Looks like you would be visually assaulted with advertising as you entered the store. To make matters worse they even used the presidential race between Dwight Eisenhower and Adlai Stephenson […]
22 Nov 2011
“1952. A street scene on Bay Street between Laura and Hogan. The Democrats were running Stevenson and Sparkman. You are looking West Northwest. Note the Earle, Mayflower and Seminole Hotels. The Casino theater at that time was nine cents. Some difference in it today.” LS I like the way the Democrat Headquarters on 124 W. […]
01 Nov 2010
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Getting out the vote! A promotion by Brundage Motors with the League of Women Voters getting the keys to a Volkswagen van.