29 Jan 2013
“This is the Eastman Kodak Store before the government forced them to close, because you can’t manufacture, wholesale and retail. This was on Adams St. Between Laura & Hogan Streets. 1954.” LS The building still stands but it would be easy to miss just driving past it since most of the character has been erased […]
24 Jan 2013
“Here is the plant of the Royal Crown Cola Plant, on San Marco Blvd. near the RR Tracks. In the 50’s.” LS Now all you need is a semi load of Moon Pies and you’ve got yourself a proper Southern party.
22 Jan 2013
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“The Chevrolet Parts Division on 11th. and Liberty Streets. This was in the 40’s & 50’s.” LS This Springfield industrial building has had a number of incarnations since it was built in 1929. Until 1958 this Albert Kahn designed structure served as a Chevrolet Parts warehouse. It also housed a printing business and later served […]
18 Jan 2013
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This is a photo from a group of Loyd Sandgren’s photographs that Olympic Weight Lifter Joe Dube‘ shared with me from his personal collection. He said that teams from around the state used to travel and compete in the 1960’s and this was one of the lifters from The University of Florida. He’s got the […]
15 Jan 2013
A store display of tea and spices at an A&P grocery store. The chain hired Loyd Sandgren to photograph showcase examples and prints of the displays would be sent to other stores in the chain to use as a model display. It looks like many of the old brands remain, only the prices have changed.
11 Jan 2013
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“About 1944, we had lots of Russian Sailors picking up the American give away boats. They loved to go out to sea and drop depth-charges. Often I would go out with them and take pictures. In this case I would take the picture and give each sailor a print. They thought that was so great […]
08 Jan 2013
“This picture was taken from Forsyth & Main Streets. Note the Krystal hamburger place, the Woolworth’s. See how many people were on the streets then. 1948.” LS While looking for another image I came across this great street view of Forsyth Street looking West from Main Street that showed downtown with all it’s theaters, stores […]
03 Jan 2013
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I have always loved this image from the Loyd Sandgren collection as a documentary image despite not having any information about the specifics of the shot. Great parade float from the 1950’s, military missiles during the cold war with Russia, beautiful girl in her Southern Bell formal gown passing spectators in a house dating from […]