27 Aug 2014
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“On the corner of Hogan and Church St. was the Harry James Insurance Building. Then it became a bookstore and now a printing Co.” LS Both the Harry James Insurance Building and the Jones Brothers Furniture building are still standing. Now both appear to be empty except a sandwich shop in the West Church Street […]
21 Aug 2014
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More Women’s Wrestling action by photographer Loyd Sandgren shot in the arena located at Main Street and Beaver Street. The details of the crowd, seen better in the enlargement below are fascinating. The men’s straw hats, cigarettes being smoked. Then there is something about the guy sitting in the right of the frame with the mustache […]
18 Aug 2014
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Lay’s Potato Chips display in the window of the Florida National Bank of Jacksonville. The sign say’s “Lay’s Potato Chips, Made In Jacksonville. Always Fresh. Visit Out Plant 2910 West Beaver Street.” In the 1940’s H.W. Lay & Company was expanding and purchased Barrett Food Company in Jacksonville along with others in the Southeast and […]
05 Aug 2014
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“This is the way Union and Market Streets looked in 1947. Some old run down houses and not many people went in that area The reason for the picture was to show the scene of a accident. I very seldom went in that area. What a difference today. This street now leads to the Mathews […]