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Tags: Olympic Medal

2 posts. #Olympic Medal

10 Aug 2012

The Teen Years, Weightlifter Joe Dube’


When I first made contact with Joe Dube’ he told me that after Loyd Sandgren passed away someone delivered an envelope of photographic prints to him at his office in the Independent Life building from Loyd.  There was only one print of Joe that I have seen in the roughly 15,000 images in the Sandgren […]

07 Aug 2012

Olympic Weightlifter Joe Dube’ Sr.


I recently had the privilege of meeting Joe Dube’ Sr. who won a Bronze Medal as a Heavyweight Weightlifter in the 1968 Mexico City Olympics.  Dube’ grew up and trained in Jacksonville setting records as a Junior Weightlifter before setting his sights on the Olympics. I showed him this particular photo that Loyd Sandgren had […]


About Photographer Loyd Sandgren

I first met Loyd Sandgren in 1997 as I was putting photo gear back into my car after... Learn More