28 Dec 2012
“This is the way the Woolworth Store looked like just before it opened (note the sign in the windows). The J.C. Penny store had not moved in. This was on the corner of Monroe and Hogan Streets. This was 1954.” LS The window signs advertise for the Grand Opening, Wednesday 9 O’Clock, March 23rd. The […]
19 Dec 2012
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The is a fun little diptych print of a late 50’s early 60’s vintage early modern room interior. Don’t know if this was a furniture showroom display or a hotel room but I love the look. I can’t imagine what it would cost to pull all of these elements together today but you have everything […]
13 Dec 2012
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“We had other things going on also, here is Horrace Tompkins showing off the shrimp nets that he would make in his spare time. He was good and made money.” LS Some of the most interesting photos in the Loyd Sandgren collection are those that show the little moments and behind the scenes shots that […]
11 Dec 2012
Shopping was sure simpler in a store like this which appears to be a Firestone branded home and hardware store. They had Firestone bicycles, outboard motors, paint and auto supplies. They also sold sporting goods, books (Bibles for $1.00 and Fiction, Biography and Self Help for 49 cents) and luggage. There are even dolls lined […]
06 Dec 2012
“Jacksonville Beach, Florida as it looked in 1950. The old pier was out from 3rd. Ave. North. Note the amusements on the far left. Picture was taken from the Life Saving Tower, the same one that is there today. Lots of cars on the beach.” LS I’m going to go out on a limb and […]
04 Dec 2012
I have not figured out if this is an advertising photo for luggage or a portrait of an airline stewardess shot by Loyd Sandgren in his downtown Jacksonville studio. Loyd did not leave any clues with this one. Anyone recognize the logos on the uniform?
29 Nov 2012
At the intersection of West Bay Street and Hogan Street. This is another scene that is long gone from Jacksonville’s downtown. At the corner is the Greyhound Bar and Package Store with advertising for a dentist’s office on the floor above it. In the background are the Hotel Aragon and the Hotel George Washington with […]
27 Nov 2012
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A photograph of city bus signage. I’ll go out on a limb and say they really wanted you to ride the bus but did not want to pay for quality advertising to get you to do it.
15 Nov 2012
Kuder Citrus Pulp Company in Lake Alfred, FL, Bags in warehouse for Cattle Feed, 1946. According to a 1951 report from the University of Florida “In the 1949-50 season, when a total of 48 million boxes of oranges and grapefruit were processed, two million tons of refuse remained to be disposed of by the citrus […]
09 Nov 2012
These two photos were in one of the albums of Loyd Sandgren’s prints with no information and I had nothing but a hunch that they were shot at the same event. I focused my attention on trying to find information on the photograph of the procession and my detective work begin. I showed the image […]