6 posts

19 Sep 2019

Crowd Gathers for Car Accident at Bay and Laura Streets, 1955

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“Stockton Whatley Davin & Company on the corner of Bay and Laura Streets. On the right of the corner building was Mal Haughton Real Estate company then Jones Furniture Co. and Ross Perkins on the left on South Laura Street before these buildings burned down. Note the cash register on the sidewalk. It was thrown […]

16 May 2019

Confederate Park Aerial, 1955

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“The street on the left is Main Street. The first street going to the left is Orange Street where Claude Nolan’s Cadillac was. In the center is Confederate Park which is still there. 1955. The white building on the upper right is the Scottish Rite building.”  LS Much has stayed the same as in this […]

10 Apr 2019

BIG Family Van, 1960’s

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When you searched for van options in the early 1960’s there were Volkswagen vans and the more commercial looking Chevy and Ford vans. VW Clearly had a product designed for transporting people. There was no caption information with this print from the Loyd Sandgren collection but it looks like this family needed all the seating […]

04 Mar 2019

Down for the count in downtown Jacksonville, 1953

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“This was an accident on the corner of Main and Beaver Streets. The Kaiser car hit a man (who was a boxer) and this knocked him out. I was near the accident and took this picture. 1953.” LS Like so many of Loyd Sandgren’s photographs, as I scan them for one reason I often discover […]

25 Feb 2019

Navy Photographers Float, 1945

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This picture was taken in 1945 at the corner of Monroe and Hogan Streets. Notice how small Underwood’s store was. Wolf’s clothing store was next door. I was the photographer, others were riding.”  LS Loyd Sandgren first came to Jacksonville as a Navy photographer at the U.S. Naval Frontier Base, Mayport, Florida, now known as […]

19 Feb 2019

A Dozen 1955 Cadillacs and a DC-2


“Guy Marvin owned most of the cabs in town and also this fleet of 1955 Cadillacs. The cars were great to ride in and they were big. They are seen here at the Imeson Airport parked close to the DC-2 Airplane. That was class. I think the price was three dollars, it did go up […]


About Photographer Loyd Sandgren

I first met Loyd Sandgren in 1997 as I was putting photo gear back into my car after... Learn More