Woman With Stick
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Studio photograph of bathing suit clad woman with a large stick. Perhaps this was shot as an advertising photograph but the photographer left no information with this particular image.
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Studio photograph of bathing suit clad woman with a large stick. Perhaps this was shot as an advertising photograph but the photographer left no information with this particular image.
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This is a portion of a contact sheet from what appears to have been a photographers outing to photograph the burlesque performer Betty Howard during a performance and back stage at an unknown club in Jacksonville. The top left frame shows a group of photographers and in several of the other frames you can see […]
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Another one of Loyd Sandgren’s bathing beauty photographs. There was no information with this image but it sure makes me wish I was at the beach.
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A women’s wrestling match inside what looks like the old Arena located at Main Street and Beaver Street. There are a good number of sailors in their dress white uniforms mixed in with the local crowd in the stands. Great banners and flags hanging from the rafters including a 48 star United States flag which […]
“I think this store was the Lane-Rexall Drug Store on Main & Forsyth Streets. This was a good place to eat and they did a thriving business in the 50’s and 60’s. “ LS I believe Loyd was correct. This image was probably shot in the late 1940’s or early 1950’s when Loyd Sandgren was […]
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“Homer A. Rodeheaver, (with trombone). He was a publisher and writer of over 1,000 religious songs. He was a great showman also, he was a preacher also. This picture was taken here in Jacksonville in 1948.” LS According to his obituary from December 19, 1955 in the Warsaw Times-Union Homer Rodeheaver was born October 4, […]
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A transaction taking place at the ticket window of the Greyhound Bus station in downtown Jacksonville. I’d place this photograph from the late 1940’s or early 1950’s and it was probably the Bay and Hogan Street location which predated the current Greyhound station downtown. Great informational signage.
“Here is a picture of the crowd at the Miss Jacksonville Contest of 1954. The contest was held in the Palace Theatre. Note the young photographer near center. People were pretty well dressed compared with today.” LS Anyone recognize the young photographer wielding the Speed Graphic in the crowd?
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This is another photo by Loyd Sandgren that he took of Jacksonville’s Olympic Weightlifter Joe Dube’ putting on a demonstration for a crowd at the old bandshell at Jacksonville Beach. Probably shot in the 1960’s. This was from a group of photographs owned by Joe Dube’ that were shot by Sandgren who covered Dube’ before […]
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I have always loved this image from the Loyd Sandgren collection as a documentary image despite not having any information about the specifics of the shot. Great parade float from the 1950’s, military missiles during the cold war with Russia, beautiful girl in her Southern Bell formal gown passing spectators in a house dating from […]