30 Apr 2015
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This is another behind the scenes image from the film shoot shown in San Marco shown in this previous post. It looks like a different angle on the same setup judging by the sidewalk and driveway toward the back of the car.
23 Apr 2015
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As described in a number of previous posts photographer Loyd Sandgren had among his commercial clients Huckins Yacht Corporation and Otis C. Borum Boats, Inc., both Jacksonville headquartered boat builders that served very different segments of the boating market. Huckins had a history of boat building dating back to the late 1920’s and concentrated on […]
07 Apr 2015
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A different angle of the hospital ship Ernest Hinds tied up on a pier on the Northbank of the St. Johns River in downtown Jacksonville. You get a good sense of the working waterfront that covered most of Jacksonville’s riverbank up until the 1960’s. This frame was shot during the 7 month period between 1946 […]
11 Mar 2015
(Update: An industrious Vintage Jacksonville fan found a vintage postcard of the Motel Capri which looks like the building in the background of this image with a 1958 postmark. It was located at North Main Street and 38th. Street across from Evergreen Cemetery) I can’t find any clues to give me the location of Terry’s […]
10 Feb 2015
Bathing suit clad model Eva Sloan posing with a nozzle atop a fireboat. I thought it might be the Roosevelt Blvd. Bridge over the Ortega River in the background but my friend Bill Yates who has lived in Jacksonville most of his life, much of it in the Ortega area, thinks this may be the […]
28 Jan 2015
“When the Robert Meyer Hotel was built, the G.E. Company sold them all their TVs, the salesman was the center man.” LS The Robert Meyer Hotel had its groundbreaking July 9, 1957 in downtown Jacksonville. Opening in 1959 it was claimed to be Florida’s largest commercial hotel with 563 guest rooms to host business travelers […]
15 Jan 2015
This photograph of the sailing ship Sea Cloud traveling on the St Johns River with the original Prudential building rising in the background had a note by photographer Loyd Sandgren attached to it identifying the date of the event as 1949. After a bit of research, the history of the ship warranted more information than […]
07 Jan 2015
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An additional image from the Loyd Sandgren collection for the Borum Boat Company in Jacksonville, Florida. One of their beautiful wood boats photographed with a model and a Grumman F9F Cougar jet on the runway of Naval Air Station Jacksonville. Additional photographs from the shoot can be seen here.
24 Dec 2014
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Wishing everyone who has visited Vintage Jacksonville a wonderful mid century modern Christmas without too many distractions to keep you from enjoying the holiday season. I recently stumbled across this product shot taken by Loyd Sandgren for the Perry Display Company that was located at 3119 Main Street. There were several different versions of photographs […]
18 Dec 2014
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The Lakewood bound City Coach Lines bus picks up its fur shawl wrapped, high heeled passenger in this staged 60’s vintage photograph by Loyd Sandgren. There are a number of photographs in the Sandgren collection shot for the city and Greyhound bus lines from that era in Jacksonville. Different time different fashion.