29 May 2014
One of Loyd Sandgren’s business cards from the 1950’s. He made these himself and printed them on photographic paper. The high angle view of Hemming Plaza shows it when it had a bandshell. The Tourist and Convention office was housed there and there was a billboard in the corner of the park. The photo may […]
24 Apr 2014
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A beautifully quiet view of downtown Jacksonville from the late 1940’s or early 1950’s with the skyline reflected in the glassy St. Johns River. You can still get to see this late afternoon sunlight skimming over the surfaces of the buildings as it sets below the cloud layer today but you will never see this […]
02 Apr 2014
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This is the second photograph from the Loyd Sandgren collection showing West Bay Street and the businesses that were operating there in the 1950’s. It was shot with a wide format roll film camera used in this previously posted image. Of particular note in this photograph is one of the businesses that I only noticed […]
28 Feb 2014
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“This picture shows the parking lot after they tore down the old hotel. Note on right, they were building the Atlantic Bank Building. Look at all the people on the streets, it isn’t like that today.” LS Looking Northbound up Hogan Street at the intersection with Forsyth Street around 1950. The Hotel George Washington stands in […]
25 Feb 2014
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“Here is a group of unhappy blacks in front of the Duval Court House. They carried a black mock casket. I took the picture from my studio window across the street. 1975.” LS A group of police officers stand in front of the Bay Street doors into the Duval County Courthouse keeping an eye on […]
17 Dec 2013
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“This is what the old Jones Business College looked like in 1947. Note the sign on top of the building, rates for the hotel started at $1.50. This is looking North on Hogan St. from Bay Street. The background was the Seminole Hotel.” LS The Hotel Seminole is the largest building in the frame and […]
03 Oct 2013
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A 1953 aerial view looking North at the Jacksonville waterfront, downtown and Springfield neighborhood. The former Blodgett Homes housing project can be seen in the upper left of the photograph. It was built in 1942 as housing for people returning from military service and was said to be the largest housing project in Jacksonville. Plenty […]
24 Sep 2013
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A view looking East down West Adams Street between Hogan Street and Laura Street, 1954. The Eastman Kodak Store, Lahn’s, French Novelty, Nancy Scott and other businesses line the block which ends with the Greenleaf & Crosby Building which was built in 1928. The Elks Club Building and Hotel Roosevelt can be seen past the Laura […]
13 Sep 2013
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An Early 1950’s view of the South side of West Adams Street at the intersection with Laura Street. Kay Jewelers had the corner location, a women’s fashion store and a Planters Peanut store are wedged between Kay and Beck Shoes. Just peaking into the left of the frame is a portion of the Art Deco […]
30 Jul 2013
“I think this store was the Lane-Rexall Drug Store on Main & Forsyth Streets. This was a good place to eat and they did a thriving business in the 50’s and 60’s. “ LS I believe Loyd was correct. This image was probably shot in the late 1940’s or early 1950’s when Loyd Sandgren was […]