11 Nov 2015
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“U.S. Naval Air Station, Mayport, Florida. September 1944. This photo is looking North-East where the new base had a name change and was now an Airbase. Most of the airplanes were Corsairs, as many as 17 pilots were killed in one afternoon there. My job was to photograph the wrecks.” LS Loyd Sandgren first came […]
16 Jul 2012
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A Borum Eldorado sits on its trailer next to what I believe is a Grumman F-9 Cougar Navy Jet and a mix of other aircraft in the background. I don’t know which base it was shot at but I’m guessing NAS Jacksonville in the 1950’s. (As always, I welcome information from those of you in […]
29 Nov 2011
“Here is a gunner getting ready to fire his machine guns. This was a typical photo, taken for Public Relations. This photo was sent to the home town newspaper to show what a native son was doing. The interesting thing about this picture is, the plane was on the ground and there was a platform […]
14 Oct 2010
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One of the wonderful things about Loyd and his collection of photographs are the notes he attached to his images. He pecked them out on a typewriter, cut them out and often taped them directly on the prints. These are usually not captions in the traditional sense but often the story behind the story. The […]
24 Sep 2010
What are the chances of getting access to a Navy jet for a photo shoot these days?