18 Dec 2014
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The Lakewood bound City Coach Lines bus picks up its fur shawl wrapped, high heeled passenger in this staged 60’s vintage photograph by Loyd Sandgren. There are a number of photographs in the Sandgren collection shot for the city and Greyhound bus lines from that era in Jacksonville. Different time different fashion.
04 Dec 2014
“Here is a photo taken in front of the San Marco Theatre in the San Marco Shopping Center. The manager was standing out in front. About 1947.” LS The movie Son of God’s Country staring singing cowboy Monte Hale released in 1948. I compared the photograph with the exterior as it looks today and where […]
14 Nov 2014
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Internationally known photographer Philippe Halsman speaking at the 19th. annual convention of the Florida Professional Photographers organization photographed by Jacksonville Beach photographer Virgil Deane. Halsman held the record for the most photographs to appear on the covers of Life Magazine with 101. He collaborated with artist Salvador Dali on projects for over 35 years making iconic […]
07 Nov 2014
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One of the two random photos of belly dancers found in the Loyd Sandgren collection. Despite the period costume, the glasses on the dancer and the hair style place this photo as late 1960’s early 1970’s. Check out the other frame here.
30 Oct 2014
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Johnson & Johnson sales award winner Sam Dunlap from the Loyd Sandgren Collection. Probably shot in the late 50’s or early 60’s. No information was attached to the print so if anyone has any information about Mr. Dunlap they would like to share I would welcome the addition. Founded in 1886 the Johnson & Johnson […]
10 Sep 2014
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“This was a Cold Drinks and Cigar Store in a hotel in Detroit. The date May 26, 1939. They had hundreds of different items that they sold. I think its fun to look back at the prices when available. The picture was taken on a 5X7 camera. The film was AGFA Safety Film.. I still […]
27 Aug 2014
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“On the corner of Hogan and Church St. was the Harry James Insurance Building. Then it became a bookstore and now a printing Co.” LS Both the Harry James Insurance Building and the Jones Brothers Furniture building are still standing. Now both appear to be empty except a sandwich shop in the West Church Street […]
05 Aug 2014
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“This is the way Union and Market Streets looked in 1947. Some old run down houses and not many people went in that area The reason for the picture was to show the scene of a accident. I very seldom went in that area. What a difference today. This street now leads to the Mathews […]
30 Jul 2014
This is not the best image technically from Loyd Sandgren’s professional wrestling images but the note Loyd attached to the original print was too good not to share. “Here was one girl throwing another one like she was light as a feather. Names I don’t remember but I sure remember the fights. They were good […]
29 May 2014
One of Loyd Sandgren’s business cards from the 1950’s. He made these himself and printed them on photographic paper. The high angle view of Hemming Plaza shows it when it had a bandshell. The Tourist and Convention office was housed there and there was a billboard in the corner of the park. The photo may […]